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New matrix operation for DSP

New matrix operation for DSP

     Welcome to the TechOnline lecture about the theory of new matrix operations for digital signal processing!

     Lecture. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31620.76164/1
    This lecture presents the basic concepts of new matrix operations and related applications for digital beamforming. This lecture can be used for radar system, smart antennas for wireless communications, and other systems applying digital beamforming, for example, in acoustics, hydroacoustics, ultrasonic medical diagnostics, radio astronomy, etc. In addition, these new matrix procedures can be useful for three-dimensional, image visualization systems. For additional information, check out the reference material presented at the end of this lecture.
AUTHOR Prof. Vadim Slyusar
Prof. Vadym Slyusar was born in Poltava Region, Ukraine, on October 15, 1964.
Prof. V. Slyusar has more as 40 years of research experience in the areas of radar systems, smart antennas for wireless communications and digital beamforming. He earned Ph.D. in 1992, Doctor of Sciences in 2000, Professor in 2005, Honored Scientist and Technician of Ukraine in 2008 and has 71 patents, 1000 publications in these areas (97 publications was included in SCOPUS (Author ID 7004240035) and 468 publications included in ORCID). He is authority in digital signals processing (Google Scholar Profile, ResearchGate).
Since 2009 - a Member of Editorial Board of Journal "Radioelectronics and Communications Systems".
Scientific advisor of 16 PhDs (candidates of technics) and 2 Doctors of Science.

  Biography of Vadym Slyusar was published in the 30th Pearl Anniversary Edition of 'Who's Who in the World 2013' by Marquis Who’s Who Publications Board, USA, at page 2233 and "Who's Who in the World 2014" (31st Edition), "Who's Who in the World 2015" (32st Edition), "Who's Who in the World 2016" (33st Edition). “Who’s Who in the World” presents the biographies of 60000 individuals from all over 200 nations and territories for their noteworthy accomplishments in multi-disciplinary fields. Certificates has been attached: 'Who's Who in the World 2013 WALL PLAQUE' and 'Who's Who in the World 2014 WALL PLAQUE'. Also the Biography published in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering 2016-2017" (12th Edition), and included to the list "Top 100 Ukrainian Scientists and their contributions to the world" (N 73).

You can contact author on swadim@inbox.ru   
Publications (files for Acrobat Reader in PDF-format )

- article in Russian, - article in English, - article in Ukrainian.


  1. Pokrovsky V.I., Sakhno V. Ph., Slyusar V.I. A Joint Algorithm of Estimation of Frequency and Range in the Multichannel Analyzer. // Stochastic Models of Systems. The Collection of Proceedings. – Kiev: Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Military Academy Antiaircraft Defense of the Land Forces. - 1991. – Pp. 56 - 62.

  2. Pokrovsky V.I., Sakhno V. Ph., Slyusar V.I. A Estimation of Spatial Position of Radar-Tracking Sources and Time Delay of their Signals in Radar on Base of Digital Antenna Array.// Stochastic Models of Systems. The Collection of Proceedings. – Kiev: Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Military Academy Antiaircraft Defense of the Land Forces. - 1991. – Pp. 62 - 68.


  3. Slyusar V.I. Measurement a characteristics of pattern of reception channels of digital antennas arrays.// The state republican scientific and technical library of Ukraine. - Deposite No. 2517-Uk93. - 1993. – Pp. 1 - 8.


  4. Slyusar V.I. Using of high-resolution in time delay for the analysis of dispersive properties and losses of an antenna cable.//Proc. ICATT-95.- Kharkov.- 21 - 23 November, 1995.- p. 68.

  5. Slyusar V.I. Correction of Mutual Coupling in Digital Antenna Array.//Proc. ICATT-95.- Kharkov.- 21 - 23 November, 1995.- p. 66.

  6. Slyusar V.I., Nikitin N.M. Consideration of Primary Channels Interference of Digital Antenna Array when Measuring their Directivity Characteristics.//Proc. ICATT-95.- Kharkov.- 21 - 23 November, 1995.- p. 67.


  7. Slyusar V. I. Synthesis of algorithms for measurement of range to M sources with the use of additional gating of the ADC readings.// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. - Vol. 39. - no. 5. - 1996. - P. 36 – 40.


  8. Slyusar V. I. Analytical model of the digital antenna array on a basis of face-splitting matrixs products , in Proc. ICATT- 97, Kyiv, May 1997. - P. 108 – 109.

  9. Slyusar V. I. Accuracy of linear digital antenna array at joint estimation of range and angular coordinate of M sources, in Proc. ICATT- 97, Kyiv, May 1997.- P. 110 - 111.

  10. Slyusar V. I. New operations of matrices product for applications of radars, in Proc. Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-97), Lviv, September 15-17, 1997, P. 73-74 (in Russian). DOI: 10.1109/DIPED.1997.710918

  11. Slyusar V. I. Digital measurement's methods of time position for bell-shaped radioimpulses// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 1997, VOL. 40; PART 1, pages 33 - 38.

  12. Slyusar V. I. The digital equivalent of the analog ways of optimal adding // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 1997, VOL 40; PART 4, pages 73 - 76.

  13. Slyusar V. I. Recalculation's Technique of results of the superresolution into estimations of other signals parameters // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 1997, VOL. 40; PART 5, pages 49 - 50.

  14. Slyusar V. I. The discrete Hilbert filtration of pulse signals // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 1997, VOL 40; PART 10, pages 48 - 49.

  15. Slyusar V. I. The Measurement of Range with the Accuracy Proportional to Frequency and Duration of a Pulse // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 1997, VOL 40; PART 11, pages 32 - 41.


  16. Slyusar V. I. Measurement accuracy of the angular coordinates of a linear digital antenna array with defects in reception channels. // RADIOTEKHNIKA. - 1998. - no. 5. - Pp. 38 - 41.

  17. Slyusar V. I., Buryachok V.L. Model of signals for digital antenna array with mutual coupling on the basis of face-splitting matrices product, in Proc. MMET- 98, Kharkov, Ukraine, June 2 - 5, 1998. - Vol. 1.- P. 424 - 425.

  18. Slyusar, V. I. Interpretation of the Proni method for solving long-range problems// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 1998, VOL 41; NUMBER 1, pages 35 - 39.

  19. Slyusar, V. I. Method of the coherent-incoherent processing of radio pulses// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems.– 1998, VOL 41; NUMBER 2, pages 28 - 31. – ALLERTON PRESS INC. (USA).

  20. Slyusar, V. I. End products in matrices in radar applications// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems.– 1998, VOL 41; NUMBER 3, pages 50-53.

  21. Slyusar, V. I. Measurement of the analog-to-digital converter digitization using the signal of known frequency // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems.– 1998, VOL 41; NUMBER 5, pages 30-33.

  22. Slyusar, V. I. Impact of the ADC clock period instability on the angular accuracy of the linear digital antenna array// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems.– 1998, VOL 41; NUMBER 6, pages 54-56.

  23. Slyusar, V. I. Autocorrelation methods for the creation of moving windows in pulse ranging tasks// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems.– 1998, VOL 41; NUMBER 9, pages 43-47.

  24. Slyusar, V. I. Limit resolution of ranging procedures of maximum likelihood// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems.– 1998, VOL 41; NUMBER 11, pages 25-28.

  25. Slyusar, V. I. The some problems of radar short pulse digital processing. //. Abstract N 0130 in Proc 11th International Conference on HighPower Electromagnetics/ 4th Ultra Wideband ShortÐulse Electromagnetics Conference. – EUROEM'98, June 14 - 19, 1998, Tel Aviv, Israel.


  26. Slyusar, V. I. A Family of Face Products of Matrices and its Properties// CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS C/C OF KIBERNETIKA I SISTEMNYI ANALIZ. – 1999, VOL 35; PART 3, pages 379-384. – CONSULTANTS BUREAU (USA). - DOI: 10.1007/BF02733426

  27. Slyusar, V. I. Fisher Information Matrix for Models of Systems Based on Face-Splitting Matrix Products// CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS C/C OF KIBERNETIKA I SISTEMNYI ANALIZ. – 1999, VOL 35; PART 4, pages 636-643. - CONSULTANTS BUREAU (USA).- DOI: 10.1007/BF02835859

  28. Slyusar, V. I. Accuracy in measuring angular coordinates by a linear digital antenna array with nonidentical receiving channels// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. –1999, VOL 42; PART 1, pages 7-11.

  29. Slyusar, V. I. Super-Rayleigh resolution of narrow-band pulses in terms of delay time// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 1999, VOL 42; PART 3, pages 38-42.

  30. Slyusar, V. I. Measuring the ADC digitization by the sum of harmonic effects// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 1999, VOL 42; PART 9, pages 19-25.

  31. Slyusar V. I. The matrix models of digital antenna arrays with nonidentical channels// Proc. ICATT - 99.- Sevastopil.- September 8-11, 1999, pages 241 - 243.

  32. Slyusar, V. I. The way of correction of DAA receiving channels characteristics using the heterodyne signal// Proceedings of the III International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 8-11 September 1999, Sevastopil, pages 244 - 245.

  33. Slyusar, V. I. New in Ultrasound Technics: from Echotomoscopes to Ultrasound Microscopes. //BIOMEDICAL RADIO ELECTRONICS. - 1999, No. 8. - Pages 49 - 53.


  34. Slyusar, V. I. The method of analyzing potential accuracy of multi-coordinate radar measurements//Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2000, VOL 43; PART 1, pages 68-75.

  35. Slyusar, V. I. The fast ADC: achievements and prospects// IZVESTIIA - VYSSHIE UCHEBNYE ZAVEDENIIA. RADIOELEKTRONIKA. – 2000, VOL 43; PART 3, pages 42 - 46. (only in russian).

  36. Slyusar, V. I. Measurement of the repetition period of pulses overlapping over time// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2000, VOL 43; PART 5, pages 19-23.

  37. Slyusar, V. I. Frequency selection of high-speed group targets in the case of accumulation of echo signals// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2000, VOL 43; PART 8, pages 43 - 46.


  38. Slyusar, V. I. Ideology of construction of multistandard base stations for perspective communication's systems// IZVESTIIA- VYSSHIE UCHEBNYE ZAVEDENIIA RADIOELEKTRONIKA. – 2001, VOL 44; PART 4, pages 3 - 12. (only in russian).


  39. Slyusar, V. I., Golovin A.A. Digital method of measurement meteors geocentric speeds, encroaching in the atmosphere top layers// Radiophysics and Electronics. – Kharkov: Kharkov Nat. Univ. - 2002. vol. 2. - ¹ 570. – Pp. 233 - 234.

  40. Slyusar, V. I. Digital Antenna Arrays. The Evolution Aspects. // Special technical equipment and arms. - February, 2002. - ¹ 1,2. - Pp. 17 - 23.

  41. Kutovoy O.P., Slyusar, V. I., Voloshyn Yu.D. Automatical Complex of Ballistic Measurements. // Special technical equipment and arms. - February, 2002. - ¹ 1,2. - Pp. 24 - 26.


  42. Slyusar, V. I., Titov I.V. Correction of smart antennas receiving channels characteristics for 4G mobile communication// Ðroceedings of the IV-th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 9-12 September 2003. Sevastopol, Pp. 374 – 375.

  43. Slyusar, V. I. Correction of characteristics of receiving channels in a digital antenna array by a test source in the near zone// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2003, VOL 46; PART 1, pages 30-35.

  44. Slyusar, V. I. Golovin, A. A. Measurement of the range to the source of alignment signal in the near zone of antenna array// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2003, VOL 46; PART 3, pages 33 - 37.

  45. Slyusar, V. I. Utkin, Y. V. Compression of communication channels based on super-Rayleigh resolution of signals in terms of time of arrival// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2003, VOL 46; PART 5, pages 30 - 35.

  46. Slyusar, V. I. Smolyar, V. G. Multifrequency operation of communication channels based on super-Rayleigh resolution of signals// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2003, VOL 46; PART 7, pages 22 - 27.

  47. Slyusar, V. I. Generalized face-products of matrices in models of digital antenna arrays with nonidentical channels// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2003, VOL 46; PART 10, pages 9-17.

  48. Slyusar, V. I. Estimation of shape of narrow high-power pulses// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2003, VOL 46; PART 11, pages 36-37.

  49. Slyusar, V. I. Modular solutions in circuitry of digital beamforming// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2003, VOL 46; PART 12, pages 48 - 62.

  50. Slyusar V.I., Golovin A.A., Korostelev Î. P. A Method of Measurement of Approach’s Speed of Anti-Tank Shells.//Artillery and Rifle Armaments. – 2003. - ¹ 7.- Pp. 26 – 30.


  51. Slyusar, V. I. Soloshchev, O. N. Titov, I. V. A method for correction of quadrature disbalance of reception channels in a digital antenna array// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2004, VOL 47; PART 2, pages 30 - 35. URI: radioelektronika.org/article/view/S0735272704020062

  52. Slyusar, V. I. Smolyar, V. G. The method of nonorthogonal frequency-discrete modulation of signals for narrow-band communication channels// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2004, VOL 47; PART 4, pages 40 - 44. URI: radioelektronika.org/article/view/S0735272704040089

  53. Slyusar, V. I. Kozlov, A. F. Measurement of partial directivity characteristics of reception channels in digital antenna arrays// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2004, VOL 47; PART 5, pages 27 - 31. URI: radioelektronika.org/article/view/S073527270405005X

  54. Slyusar, V. I. Titov, I. V. Correction of characteristics of transmitting channels in an active digital antenna array// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2004, VOL 47; PART 8, pages 9 - 13.

  55. Slyusar V. I. A method of investigation of the linear dynamic range of reception channels in a digital antenna array// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2004, VOL 47; PART 9, pages 20 - 25.

  56. Slyusar V. I., Slyusar D. V., Stolyarchuk Y. V. Time compression of communication channels based on super-Rayleigh resolution of signals with additional gating of ADC samples// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2004, VOL 47; PART 11, pages 21-26.

  57. Slyusar, V. I., Stolyarchuk Y. V. Time Division Multiplexing of Liaison Channels in View of Additional Readout of Strobes ADC// Kharkov. - 2004. - P. 94.

  58. Slyusar, V. I., Golovin, A. A. Direction of Arrival Estimation in Digital Antenna Arrays on to Interchannel Time Delay of Pulses Signals.//The collection of proc. of Zhitomir military institute of radioelectronics. - 2004 . - ¹ 8. - Pp. 94 - 100.

  59. Slyusar, V. I., Gluhovetz, Yu. V., Tretjachenko S.A. A Technical Aspects of Improvement of the Military Satellite Communication System by Introductions of Technology Digital Beamforming.//The collection of proc. of Zhitomir military institute of radioelectronics. - 2004 . - ¹ 8. - Pp. 56 - 65.


  60. Slyusar, V. I., Dubik A.N. MIMO-System with Pulse Signals// Ðroceedings of the 5th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 24-27 May 2005. - Kyiv, Pp. 271 - 272.

  61. Slyusar, V. I., Vasiliev K.A. Method of Not-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (N-OFDM) on the Basis of Basic Functions Hartley // Proc. of 2nd International Radio Electronic Forum (IREF’ 2005). Vol. IV International Conference “Telecommunication Technologies and Networks (ICTTN’2005). – Kharkov, Ukraine, September 19- 23. 2005. – Pp. 224-226.

  62. Slyusar, V. I., Dubik A.N. Multipulse transmit method in MIMO-system// Proc. of 2nd International Radio Electronic Forum (IREF’ 2005). Vol. IV “International Conference “Telecommunication Technologies and Networks (ICTTN’2005)”. – Kharkov, Ukraine, September 19 - 23. 2005. – Pp. 227 - 231.

  63. Slyusar, V. I., Zinchenko A.A. Method N-OFDM with the orthogonal polarized signals// Proc. of 2nd International Radio Electronic Forum (IREF’ 2005). Vol. IV “International Conference “Telecommunication Technologies and Networks (ICTTN’2005)”. – Kharkov, Ukraine, September 19 - 23. 2005. – Pp. 232 - 234.


  64. Slyusar, V. I., Dubik A.N. A method for multi-pulse transmission of signals in MIMO-system // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems.– 2006, VOL 49; NUMBER 3, pages 75 - 80. URI: radioelektronika.org/article/view/S0735272706030125

  65. Slyusar, V. I., Zinchenko A.A.Extension of the N-OFDM method to the case of orthogonally polarized signals // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems.– 2006, VOL 49; NUMBER 7, pages 75 - 80. URI: radioelektronika.org/article/view/S0735272706070090

  66. V. I. Slyusar, I. V. Titov, I. I. Slyusar, Yu. V. Utkin. Experimental verification of digital antenna array transmitting channel characteristics correction methods. // “Radioelectronic and computer systems", National Aerospace University "KhAI”. - 2006, ¹ 5 (17). - Pp. 217 – 220.

  67. A. N. Dubik, V. I. Slyusar, A. A. Zinchenko. Using MIMO-systems for improving reliability of telecommunication systems for critical application. // “Radioelectronic and computer systems", National Aerospace University "KhAI”. - 2006, ¹ 6 (18). - Pp. 206 - 209.

  68. V. I. Slyusar, K. A. Vasilyev, Yu. V. Utkin. Studying N-OFDM signals frequency interleaving possibilities in terms of Hartley basic functions. // “Radioelectronic and computer systems", National Aerospace University "KhAI”. - 2006, ¹ 6 (18). - Pp. 215 - 218.

  69. V. I. Slyusar, N. A. Masesov, I. I. Slyusar. Improving communication reliability in wireless local area networks by using space-time signal processing methods. // “Radioelectronic and computer systems", National Aerospace University "KhAI”. - 2006, ¹ 7 (19). - Pp. 195 - 198.

  70. V. I. Slyusar, Yu. V. Stolyarchuk. Analysing potential accuracy of the time-dividing signalling method at additional gating ADC counts. // “Radioelectronic and computer systems", National Aerospace University "KhAI”. - 2006, ¹ 7 (19). - Pp. 199 – 202.

  71. Slyusar, V. I., Masesov, N.A. A Experimental Test of Element Base for Practical Realization of MIMO-System.//Proc. of 15nd Conference of Zhitomir military institute of radioelectronics. - 2006 . - Pp. 171.

  72. Slyusar, V. I., A.A. Zinchenko, Voloshko S.V. A Telecode Wireless System of Multistatic Radiomonitoring Complex//Proc. of 15nd Conference of Zhitomir military institute of radioelectronics. - 2006 . - Pp. 145.


  73. Slyusar, V. I., Dubik,A. N., Voloshko S.V. The MIMO Method for Transmission of Telecode Information// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2007, VOL 50; NUMBER 3, pages 61 - 70. DOI: 10.3103/S0735272707030089. URI: radioelektronika.org/article/view/S0735272707030089

  74. V.I. Slyusar, A.A. Zinchenko. MIMO technique as a way of reliability growth for the telecommunication systems of critical application. // Radioelectronic and computer systems. - 2007. - ¹ 6 (25). - P. 15-19.

  75. Soloshchev O. N., Slyusar V. I., Tverdokhlebov V. V. Phase Method of Range Measurement on the Basis of Multi-Channel Analysis Theory.// Artillery and Rifle Armaments. – 2007. - ¹ 2(23).- Pp. 29 – 32.

  76. Slyusar, V. I., Dubik,A. N. The Using of Beam Space for Receiving a Impulses Signals in a MIMO-System. //Ðroceedings of the "Modern information and electronic technologies". - Odessa, Ukraine, 21 -25 May, 2007. - p. 202.

  77. Slyusar V.I. and Voloshko S.V. A dual-polarization channels models of digital antenna arrays. // Ðroceedings of the 6-th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 17-21 September, 2007, Sevastopol, Ukraine. - Pp. 441 - 442. - DOI: 10.1109/ICATT.2007.4425129.

  78. Slyusar V. I. 60 Years of Electrically Small Antennas Theory.//Ðroceedings of the 6-th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 17-21 September, 2007, Sevastopol, Ukraine. - Pp. 116 - 118.

  79. Slyusar, V. I., Fedin, A. V. Criterion of Efficiency of Functioning of a Complex of a Radio Communication in View of Structure of his High-Frequency Path. //Ðroceedings of the 3-th Conference on Military Institute of Telecommunication and Informatics, 2007, Kyiv, Ukraine.


  80. Slyusar, V. I., Vasil’ev, K. A. Potential Limits of Frequency Division Multiplexing of N–OFDM Signals Based on Hartley’s Basis Functions // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. – 2008, VOL 51; NUMBER 3. pages 21 - 27. DOI: 10.3103/S0735272708030035. URI: radioelektronika.org/article/view/S0735272708030035

  81. Slyusar V.I., Vasilyev K.A.The Method of Non-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing on the Basic of the Hartley Transform with Quadrature Amplitude Modulation of the Frequency Carriers// Information Processing Systems. The collection of proc. of Harkyv Air Force University. – 2008. – Vol. 2 (69). – Pp. 102 – 104.

  82. Slyusar, V. I., Masesov, N.A. Estimation of Potential Accuracy of the Phase Error Calculation for the Method of Quadrature Disbalance Correction with use Additional Gating of ADC Samples.// Control's, Navigation's and Communication's Systems. - Kyiv: Central Research Institute of Navigation and Control. – 2008. – Vol. 1 (15). – Pp. 162 – 166.

  83. Slyusar, V. I., Titov, I.V., Slyusar, I.I.The Increasing of Mobile Communication Systems Capability with Digital Beamforming.// Control's, Navigation's and Communication's Systems. - Kyiv: Central Research Institute of Navigation and Control. – 2008. – Vol. 2 (6). – Pp. 172 – 174.

  84. Slyusar, V. I., Masesov N.A. Technology of Multi-MIMO (Multiuser MIMO) in Dependable Wireless Communication Networks.// The collection of proc. of Harkyv Air Force University. – 2008. – Vol. 1 (16). – Pp. 39 – 42.

  85. Slyusar, V. I., Voloshko S.V. Technical aspects of realization of modern technologies in systems of telecode commnnication.// Ðroceedings of the 4th International Conference for Modern Information and Telecommunication Technologies COMINFO'2008-Livadia. - Ukraine, Crimea,15-19 September 2008. – Pp. 60 – 61.

  86. Slyusar, V. I., Tretjachenko S.A., Voloshko S.V. The Future of Satellite Communications.//The Sixth International Conference “INTERNET –EDUCATION - SCIENCE - 2008”. - Vinnytsia, Ukraine, October 7 –11, 2008. - Pp. 336 - 339.


  87. Slyusar, V. I., Voloshko S.V. Two-step processing of OFDM (N-OFDM) signals in digital antenna array. // Ðroceedings of the 5th International Conference "A Problems of Telecommunications". - Ukraine, Kyiv, NTUU "KPI". - 21-24 April 2009. – P. 167.

  88. Slyusar, V.I., Trocko, A.A. Methods of Maintenance of the Guaranteed Communication with UAV Taking into Account Doppler's Effect. //“Radioelectronic and computer systems", National Aerospace University "KhAI”. - 2009, ¹ 7 (41). - Pp. 280 – 282.

  89. Slyusar, V.I., Trocko, A.A. A Ñompensation of Doppler Frequency Shift of N-OFDM Signals. //2th International Symposium "New Technology in Communications" (GUICT-Carpaty-2009, Vyshkiv). - 2009. - Pp. 35 – 36.

  90. Slyusar, V.I., Zinchenko, A.O., Voloshko, S.V., Masesov, M.O. Method of Correction Polarization Error the Receiving Channels of the Digital Antenna Array. //“Radioelectronic and computer systems", National Aerospace University "KhAI”. - 2009, ¹ 7 (41). - Pp. 295 – 299.

  91. Ermolaev S.Y., Slyusar V.I. Synthesis of antennas on the basis of ant algorithms optimization.// 19th International Crimean Conference “Microwave & Telecommunication Technology” (CriMiCo’2009). - Sevastopol, Ukraine. - September 14-18, 2009. - Pp. 431 - 432.

  92. Ermolaev S.Y., Slyusar V.I. Antenna synthesis based on the ant colony optimization algorithm.// 7th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques ICATT’09, Lviv, Ukraine, October 6-9 2009. - Pp. 298 - 300.

  93. Slyusar V.I. Metamaterials on antenna solutions.// 7th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques ICATT’09, Lviv, Ukraine, October 6-9 2009. - Pp. 19 - 24. - DOI: 10.1109/ICATT.2009.4435103.

  94. Slyusar V.I., Voloshko S.V. A method of measurement of direction’s characteristics of antenna’s elements for digital antenna array in conditions of jammers. // 7th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques ICATT’09, Lviv, Ukraine, October 6-9 2009. - Pp. 280 - 282.

  95. Slyusar, V.I., Masesov, M.O. The method of the space-time encoding of signals of troposphere communication with use of the improved technology of multi-MIMO. // The collection of proc. of Military Institute of Telecommunication and Informatics, Kyiv, Ukraine. – 2009. – Vol. 1. – Pp. 132 – 136.

  96. Slyusar, V.I., Malarchuk, M.V. A Response’s Model of Digital Antenna Array for Multi-MIMO System with use of N-OFDM Signals and Additional Decimation of ADC. // Ðroceedings of the 5th International Conference «New Generation Networks & Telecommunication Problems» (COMINFO'2009-Livadia). - Ukraine, Crimea, 05 - 09 October 2009.

  97. Slyusar, V.I., Trozko, A.A. A Estimation’s Method of Doppler Frequency Shift with use of the Sum of Harmonious Signals with Additional Decimation of ADC. // Ðroceedings of the 5th International Conference «New Generation Networks & Telecommunication Problems» (COMINFO'2009-Livadia). - Ukraine, Crimea, 05 - 09 October 2009.

  98. V. I. Slyusar, Ì. Ì. Nikitin, L. G. Shatsman, Ì. Î. Korol'ov, Î. Ì. Soloschev, D. V. Shraev, I.V. Voloschuk, À. Ì. Alesin, Ì. V. Bondarenko, V. Ì. Gritsenko, V. Ð. Ìalaschuk. Results of tests of experimental model of thå radiolocation station with à 64-channel digital antenna arraó. // The collection of proc. of Zhitomir military institute. – 2009. – Vol. 2. - Pp. 148 – 157.


  99. Slyusar V.²., Nikitin N.N., Shatzman L.G., Korolev N.A., Solostchev Î.N., Shraev D.V., Volostchuk ².V., Àlesyn À.Ì., Bondarenko Ì.V., Grytzenko V.N., Malastchuê V.P. Experimental Radar with 64-Channel Digital Antenna Array. // TCSET'2010. - Lviv - Slavske, Ukraine. - 23 - 27 February, 2010. - P. 95.

  100. Slyusar, V.I., Trocko, A.A. A Modelling of the Communication Channel with Hypersonic UAV's at use of OFDM Signals. // 14th International Forum of Young Scientists “RADIO ELECTRONICS AND YOUTH IN THE XXI CENTURY”. - Kharkov, KNURE. - 18 - 20 March, 2010. - P. 113.

  101. Slyusar V. I. A processing of OFDM signals from UAV on digital antenna array of base station in conditions of jammers. // Information Systems Technology Panel Symposium (IST-091/RSY-021) “Information Assurance and Cyber Defence”. - Antalya, Turkey, 26 - 27 April, 2010.

  102. Slyusar V.²., Nikitin N.N., Shatzman L.G., Korolev N.A., Solostchev Î.N., Shraev D.V., Volostchuk ².V., Àlesyn À.Ì., Bondarenko Ì.V., Grytzenko V.N., Malastchuê V.P. A Marine Testing’s Result of Experimental Radar with 64–Channels Digital Antenna Array. //18th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar, and Wireless Communications (MIKON-2010) and 11th International Radar Symposium (IRS 2010). Conference Proceedings.– Vilnius, Lithuania, June 14 - 18, 2010. - Pp. 562 - 564.

  103. Slyusar, V. I., Masesov, N.A. An estimation of scope possibilities space-division and frequency-division multiplexing of troposphere signals in the mode of multi-̲ÌÎ.// The collection of proc. of Military Institute of Telecommunication and Information by NTUU "KPI". – 2010. – Vol. 1. - Pages 78 – 83.

  104. Slyusar, V.I., Trocko, A.A. Demodulation of OFDM Signals at Communication with High-speed Objects. //11-th International Conference «Modern information and electronic technologies». - Odessa, 24—28 May, 2010. - P. 216.

  105. Slyusar V.². New Technologies for UAV Communication.// Military Communications and Information Systems Conference (MCC 2010). - Wroclaw, Poland, 27 - 28 September 2010.

  106. Slyusar V.²., Nikitin N.N., Shatzman L.G., Korolev N.A., Solostchev Î.N., Shraev D.V., Volostchuk ².V., Àlesyn À.Ì., Bondarenko Ì.V., Grytzenko V.N., Malastchuê V.P. An Above-water Testing’s Results of Experimental Surveillance Radar with 64–Channels Digital Antenna Array.// 2nd International Conference on Waterside Security. - 3 - 5 November 2010, Marina di Carrara, Italy.

  107. V. Slusar, M. Bondarenko. Potential accuracy estimation of sending to the subscriber by a digital aerial grate in the conditions of ADC Delay Variation. //Ðroceedings of the 5-th Conference on Military Institute of Telecommunication and Informatics, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine. - P. 225.

  108. V. Slusar, A. Zinchenko. MULTI-MIMO technology as mean of communication and radio-location networks hardware combination. //Ðroceedings of the 5-th Conference on Military Institute of Telecommunication and Informatics, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine. - Pp. 226 - 227.

  109. V. Slusar, V. Kopievs`ka. An estimation of the complex united response signal level on the output of flat digital aerial grate. //Ðroceedings of the 5-th Conference on Military Institute of Telecommunication and Informatics, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine. - Pp. 228 - 229.

  110. V. Slyusar, O. Trotsko, V. Kopievska. The methods of counting nonlinear frequency modulation OFDM signal for communication with supersonic aircrafts. //Ðroceedings of the 5-th Conference on Military Institute of Telecommunication and Informatics, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine. - P. 230.

  111. V. Slyusar, M. Masesov. Ideology of the perspective troposphere (microwave) specialpurpose stations construction.// The collection of proc. of Military Institute of Telecommunication and Information by NTUU "KPI". – 2010. – Vol. 2. - Pages 114 – 120.


  112. Slyusar V.I., Slyusar D.V. Cluster method for MIMO Communication of WiNoC with Macro Nets.//15 th Anniversary International Youth Forum "Radioelectronics and youth in the XXI Century". - KNURE, April 18 - 20, 2011.

  113. Slyusar V.I. Examination into authorship of radio engineering term "antenna". // 21th International Crimean Conference “Microwave & Telecommunication Technology” (CriMiCo’2011). Volume 1. - Sevastopol, Ukraine. - September 12 - 16, 2011. - Pp. 87 - 88.

  114. Slyusar D.V., Slyusar V.I. A pyramidal nanoantenna’s array. // 21th International Crimean Conference “Microwave & Telecommunication Technology” (CriMiCo’2011). Volume 2. - Sevastopol, Ukraine. - September 12 - 16, 2011. - Pp. 795 - 796.

  115. Êopiievska V.S., Slyusar V. I. An estimation of directivity characteristics of antenna’s elements of antenna’s array with counting of signal’s conjugate components. //VIII International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT’11). - Kyiv, Ukraine. - National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. - September 20 - 23, 2011. - Pp. 148 - 149.

  116. Slyusar V. I. To history of radio engineering’s term "antenna". // VIII International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT’11). - Kyiv, Ukraine. - National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. - September 20 - 23, 2011. - Pp. 83 - 85.

  117. Slyusar V. I., Slyusar D.V. Pyramidal design of nanoantennas array. // VIII International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT’11). - Kyiv, Ukraine. - National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. - September 20 - 23, 2011. - Pp. 140 - 142.

  118. Slyusar V. I., Voloshko S.V. Demodulation of Signals N-OFDM, Protected from Noise in the Receiving Segment of the Digital Antenna Array. //Information processing systems. - 2011. – Vol. 5 (95). – Pp. 99 – 101.

  119. Vadym Slyusar. A Two-Stage Digital Processing of NOFDM Signals Received from Multiple UAV in Planar Digital Antenna Array. // 4th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies, OTEH 2011. - 6 - 7 October, 2011. - Belgrade, Serbia. - Pp. 408 - 410.

  120. M. Bondarenko and V. I. Slyusar. Influence of jitter in ADC on precision of direction-finding by digital antenna arrays. // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. - Volume 54, Number 8, 2011.- Pp. 436 - 445.- DOI: 10.3103/S0735272711080061. URI: radioelektronika.org/article/view/S0735272711080061

  121. V. I. Slyusar and M. Bondarenko. Methods for estimating the ADC jitter in noncoherent systems. // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. - Volume 54, Number 10, 2011. – Pp. 536 - 545. - DOI: 10.3103/S0735272711100037. URI: radioelektronika.org/article/view/S0735272711100037


  122. Sliusar V., Serdiuk P. Comparison One-Stage and Two-Stage I/Q-Demodulators.// Ðroceedings of the Vth International Symposium "New Technology in Communications" (GUICT-Carpaty-2012, Vyshkiv). – 17 – 21 January, 2012. - Pp. 29 – 31.

  123. Sliusar V., Tsibulov R. Channels Non-Identities Correction Durind Additional Strobbing of Readout ADC. //Ðroceedings of the Vth International Symposium "New Technology in Communications" (GUICT-Carpaty-2012, Vyshkiv). – 17 – 21 January, 2012. - Pp. 132 – 134.

  124. Slyusar V.I. An italian period on the history of radio engineering’s term “antenna”.// 11th International Conference Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET’2012). - 21-24 February, 2012. - Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine. - P. 174.

  125. Slyusar V.²., Serduk P.E. A Two Channels I/Q-Demodulator.// 11th International Conference Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET’2012). - 21-24 February, 2012. - Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine. - P. 411.

  126. Bondarenko M.V., Slyusar V.I. Limiting depth of jammer's suppression in a digital antenna array in conditions of ADC jitter.// 5th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies, OTEH 2012. - 18 - 19 September, 2012. - Belgrade, Serbia. - Pp. 495 - 497.


  127. Slyusar V.I., Serduk P.E. The generalized record for the response of the I/Q-demodulator of the odd order. // Ðroceedings of the VIth International Symposium "New Technology in Communications" (GUICT-Carpaty-2013, Vyshkiv). – 21 – 25 January, 2013. - Pp. 97 - 99.

  128. Slyusar V.I., Givilo E.A. The digital filtration equivalent of tandem-type I/Q-decimator. // Ðroceedings of the VIth International Symposium "New Technology in Communications" (GUICT-Carpaty-2013, Vyshkiv). – 21 – 25 January, 2013. - Pp. 41 - 43.

  129. V. Slyusar, P. Serdjuk. Multistage I/Q-demodulate OFDM signals at their one channel analog-digital transformation.// The collection of proc. of Military Institute of Telecommunication and Information by NTUU "KPI". – 2013. – Vol. 1. - Pages 85 – 89.

  130. V. Slyusar, O. Holovin, O. Bovkun, P. Kisyel’. On the Creation of a Nationwide Information Support System for the Ukrainian Air Force. // Science and defense. - 2013, Vol. 3. - Pages 51 - 55.


  131. Slyusar V.I., Zinchenko A.O. Phase-Based Estimation of Range. // 12th International Conference Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET’2014). - 25 February – 1 March, 2014. - Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine. – P. 801.

  132. Slyusar V.I. I/Q-Demodulation of the Odd Order.// 20th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar, and Wireless Communications (MIKON-2014) and 13th International Radar Symposium (IRS 2014). Conference Proceedings.– Gdansk, Poland, June 16 - 18, 2014.

  133. Zinchenko A. O., Slyusar V. I. Improved model of multistatic integrated communication systems and radar-based multiuser M²MO method.//Telecommunication and Informative Technologies. - 2014. - No. 1.- Pp. 55 - 61.

  134. Zinchenko A. O., Slyusar V. I.Operating model of the multi-position integrated communication and radar system in MIMO radar mode.//Modern Information Technologies in the Sphere of Security and Defence. - 2014. - No. 2 (20).- Pp. 49 - 55.

  135. Slyusar V. I., Narytnyk T.M. Methods for constructing modern tropospheric radio relay stations. //Proceefings of 5d International Radio Electronic Forum (IREF’2014). Volume 2. International scientific and practical conference «Problems of infocommunications. Science and technology» (PICS&T -2014). October 14-17, 2014. - Kharkov, Ukraine. - Pp. 178 - 181.

  136. Slyusar V. I., Narytnyk T.M.The Direction of Construction of New Generation Tropospheric Station. //Digital Technologies. - Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications n.a. A.S. Popov. - ¹ 16. - 2014. - Pp. 8 - 18.

  137. Zinhcenko A.O. , Slyusar V.I. Multistatic system of communication and radar using the method of collection of samples an analog-to-digital converters. //Control's, Navigation's and Communication's Systems. - 2014. – Vol. 4 (32). – Pp. 65 – 71.


  138. Slyusar V.I. I/Q-Demodulation of the Odd Order.// International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 21-24 April, 2015, Kharkiv, Ukraine. - Pp. 156-158.

  139. Slyusar V.I. First Antennas for Relay Stations.// International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 21-24 April, 2015, Kharkiv, Ukraine. - Pp. 254 - 255.

  140. Slyusar V. I. Trotsko O.O. OFDM signals nonlinear frequency modulation during communication with high-speed UAV. //Modern Information Technologies in the Sphere of Security and Defence. - 2015. - No. 1 (22).- Pp. 118 - 124.

  141. Slyusar I. I., Slyusar V. I., Ilchenko O.P., Matko V.P. Optical Access Next Generation Converged Solutions. //Information processing systems. - 2015. – Vol. 7 (132). - Pp. 169 – 173.

  142. Sliusar I.I, Slyusar V.I., Voloshko S.V. Converged Solutions for Next Generation Optical Access.// IEEE Second International Scientific-Practical Conference «Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology» (PICS&T2015). – Kharkiv. - October 13-15, 2015. - Pp. 149 - 152.

  143. Sliusar V.I., Zinhcenko A.O., Zinhcenko K.A. The GSM standard mobile telecommunication sytem for airspace radar control needs.//Modern Information Technologies in the Sphere of Security and Defence. - 2015. - No. 1 (22).- Pp. 118 - 124.

  144. Slyusar I.I., Slyusar V.I., Sokol G.V., Voloshko S.V. Converged solutions for next generation optical access.// Nauka i studia. - Przemysl (Poland), Nauka i studia. –2015. – ¹ 12 (143). – P. 68-75.


  145. Slyusar V.I., Sliusar I.I., Kulyck R.V., Myronov A.V. Evaluation of the influence of nonidentical jitter in the quadrature channels on the quality of functioning of telecommunications systems with digital beamforming.////Information processing systems. - 2016. – Vol. 7 (144). – Pp. 152 – 156.

  146. Sliusar I.I., Slyusar V.I., Voloshko S.V., Smolyar V.G. Next Generation Optical Access based on N-OFDM with decimation.// Third International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S&T’2016)”. – Kharkiv. - October 3 –6, 2016.

  147. Narytnik T., Sliusar V., Pavlenko V. Status and prospects of creation radiorelay and tropospheric stations new generation.// Third International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S&T’2016)”. – Kharkiv. - October 3 –6, 2016.


  148. Slyusar V. I. Origins of the Digital Antenna Array Theory.// International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques, 24-27 May, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine. – Pp. 199 - 201. DOI: 10.1109/ICATT.2017.7972621

  149. Slyusar I.I., Slyusar V.I., Smolyar V.G., Voloshko S.V. Multistandard tranking system with the use non-orthogonal signals. // News of Science and Education. – Sheffield, Science and education Ltd. – No.4 (52), 2017. – Pp. 76 – 83.

  150. Slyusar V.I. Battalion tactical group 2035. //Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ V International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October 11–12, 2017. - Kyiv. - P. 37.

  151. Slyusar V.I. Regarding the building of system of systems of standards. //Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ V International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October 11–12, 2017. - Kyiv. - P. 38.

  152. Slyusar V., Hamaliy N. New model of NATO defence planning process, NDPP. //Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ V International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October 11–12, 2017. - Kyiv. - Pp. 38 - 39.

  153. Slyusar ².²., Smoliyar V.G., Voloshko S.V., Slyusar V.². Priorities for development of trunking radio systems. //Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ V International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October 11–12, 2017. - Kyiv. - Pp. 160 – 161.

  154. Sliusar I.I., Slyusar V.I., Voloshko S.V., Smolyar V.G. Correction of the receiving channels fiber optic transmission systems on the basis of PDM and N-OFDM with decimation.// 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology”. - October 10-13, 2017. - Kharkiv, Ukraine. - Pages 383 – 386. DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOMMST.2017.8246422.

  155. Slyusar V.I., Zhivilo E.O. The synthesys of equivalence digital filters for tandem decimation on base I/Q-demodulation.// 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology”. - October 10-13, 2017. - Kharkiv, Ukraine. - Pages 449 - 451. DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOMMST.2017.8246436.


  156. Sliusar I.I., Slyusar V.I., Voloshko S.V., Smolyar V.G. The multi-band antenna based on fractal.// News of Science and Education. – Sheffield, Science and education Ltd, 2018. – No.2 (58). – Pp. 32-43.

  157. Kolisnyk A.V., Slyusar V.I., Sliusar I.I., Samofal V.V. Investigation of the overlapping effect of dielectric resonator antennas elements on the basis of a cylinder.// News of Science and Education. – Sheffield, Science and education Ltd. – No.3 (59), 2018. – Pp. 68 – 74.

  158. Tahan O.O., Sliusar I.I., Slyusar V.I., Hrebelia R.E. Quasifractal dielectric resonator antenna based on the symmetric hexagon. //Nauka i studia. - Przemysl (Poland), Nauka i studia. – 2018. – ¹ 7 (187). – P. 113 - 123.

  159. Sliusar I.I., Slyusar V.I., Polishchuk Y.V., Stas E.I. Analysis of space-frequency characteristics of a quasi-fractal DRA based on a cube and truncated pyramid.// Nauka i studia. - Przemysl (Poland), Nauka i studia. – 2018. – ¹ 11 (191). – P. 3 - 12.

  160. Sliusar I.I., Slyusar V.I., Voloshko S.V., Smolyar V.G. Synthesis of quasi-fractal hemispherical dielectric resonator antennas. //5th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology” (PICSST’2018). October 9-12, 2018. - Kharkiv, Ukraine. - Pp. 313-316. - DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOMMST.2018.8632087.

  161. Slyusar V.I. Tactical exoskeleton as antenna system. //Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October 10–11, 2018. - Kyiv.- DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16203.03362

  162. Slyusar V.I. Methodology of identification of critical requirements for armaments and military equipment. //Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October 10–11, 2018. - Kyiv. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36335.69281

  163. Slusar V.I., Zinchenko A. O., Danyk Y. H. Accuracy estimation of method for parameters measurement of pulse signals and OFDM (N-OFDM) signals.// Modern Information Technologies in the Sphere of Security and Defence, ¹ 1(31), 2018. – Pp. 103 – 108.


  164. Sliusar I.I., Slyusar V.I., Voloshko S.V., Degtyareva L.N.Antenna synthesis based on fractal approach and DRA technologies. //IEEE UKRCON-2019, July 2 – 6, 2019. - Lviv, Ukraine. - P. 29 - 34. - DOI: 10.1109/UKRCON.2019.8879953

  165. Sliusar I.I., Slyusar V.I., Voloshko S.V., Zinchenko A.O., Degtyareva L.N. Synthesis of quasi-fractal ring antennas.// 6th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology” (PICS&T’2019). October 8-11, 2019. - Kyiv, Ukraine. - Pp. 741 - 744. - DOI: 10.1109/PICST47496.2019.9061286

  166. Slyusar V.I. Artificial intelligence as the basis of future control networks. //Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October 8–10, 2019. - Kyiv. - Pp. 76 - 77. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30247.50087

  167 Slyusar V.I. Augmented reality in the interests of ESMRM and munitions safety. //Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October 8–10, 2019. - Kyiv. - Pp. 193 - 194. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11792.56320

  168. Slyusar V.I., Hamaliy N.V. Experience in development and using non-lethal weapons in NATO. //Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October 8 – 10, 2019. - Kyiv. - Pp. 440 - 441.

  169. Andrii Zinchenko, Vadym Slyusar, Natalia Korolyuk, Elena Korshets. The Method of Open Space Selection of Signals for Redcom Systems.// 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communications Technologies (AICT’2019). – 2 - 6 July 2019. - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. - Pp. 404 - 408. - DOI: 10.1109/AIACT.2019.8847826.


  170. Slyusar, V. (2020). Eastern Ukraine: Lessons learned from land operations in the context of armoured vehicles, Symposium om stridskjoretoy, 28. januar 2020. Kjeller: FFI.

  171. I. Sliusar, V. Slyusar, S. Voloshko, A. Zinchenko, Y. Utkin. Synthesis of a Broadband Ring Antenna of a Two-Tape Design. // 12th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT-2020), 22 – 27 June 2020, Kharkiv, Ukraine. - Pp. 161 - 165. - DOI: 10.1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252793

  172. Sliusar I., Slyusar V., Chernikov R., Tokar Y. Synthesis to the segment of network 5G with support of IoT.// Nauka i studia. - Przemysl (Poland), Nauka i studia. – ¹ 7 (209). - 2020. - Ñ. 70 - 75.

  173. Sliusar Ihor, Slyusar Vadym. Marquee type dual-band dielectric resonator antenna for radar and communication applications. // Scientific foundations of modern engineering: monography / Sokolovskaya O., Ovsiannykova L., Stetsiuk V. et al. – ²nternational Science Group. – Boston: Primedia eLaunch, 2020. – Pp. 327 - 336. - DOI: 10.46299/isg.2020.MONO.TECH.I

  174. Slyusar, V., Serdiuk, P. Synthesis Method of Procedure for Odd-Order I/Q Demodulation Based on Replacing Multistage with Equivalent Single-Stage Demodulation Schemes.// Radioelectron.Commun.Syst. 63, 273–280 (2020).- DOI: 10.3103/S0735272720050064

  175. Ihor Sliusar, Vadym Slyusar, Yurii Utkin, Olena Kopishynska. Parametric synthesis of 3D structure of SRR element of the metamaterial // 7 International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology” (PICS&T’2020). October 6-9, 2020. - Kharkiv, Ukraine. - DOI:10.1109/PICST51311.2020.9468067. Presentation: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20063.28320. Video of the presentation.

  176. Olena Kopishynska, Yurii Utkin, Ihor Sliusar, Vadym Slyusar, Nadiia Protas, Olha Barabolia. Professional-Oriented Training of Specialists under Implementation of Cloud Computing Information Systems in Cooperation between Universities and IT companies. // Proceedings of The 14th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI 2020), September 13 - 16, 2020. - Orlando, Florida, USA. – Pp. 17 - 22.

  177. Vadym Slyusar, Vladyslav Sotnyk, Mariia Bondarchuk, Artem Kupchyn, Mykola Bilokur. Method for determining membership function based on equidistant points.//Specialized and multidisciplinary scientific researches: Collection of scientific papers with Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Vol. 2), December 11, 2020. Amsterdam, The Netherland: European Scientific Platform. – Pp. 27 – 30.

  178. Vadym Slyusar. On the issue of assessing the effectiveness of air defense based on a pandemic model.// Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October, 2020. - Kyiv. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26421.29929.
        Slyusar V. On the Issue of Assessing the Effectiveness of Air Defense Based on a Pandemic Model. // EasyChair preprint No. 4173. - September 13, 2020. – 4 p.

  179. Vadym Slyusar. The role of Artificial Intelligence in cross-platform tailoring of AR data. // Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October, 2020. - Kyiv. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22122.13760.
        Slyusar V. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cross-Platform Tailoring of AR Data. // EasyChair preprint No. 4562. - November 15, 2020. – 3 p.

  180. Vadym Slyusar.The networked distributed engine control system of future air vehicles.// Coordination problems of military technical and devensive industrial policy in Ukraine. Weapons and military equipment development perspectives/ VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Abstracts of reports. - October, 2020. - Kyiv.- DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24638.72004.

  181. Slyusar Vadym. Situation Awareness Exchange Methods for a Swarm of Autonomous Systems. - November 6, 2020. - EasyChair Preprint ¹ 4513.


  182. Daniel Ota, Vadym Slyusar, Marcel Baltzer, Roy Arents, Tom Thorvaldsen, William Suttie. Chapter 5. INTEGRATION STANDARDS FOR AUGMENTED REALITY./ STO Technical Report TR-AVT-290 “Augmented reality for improved situational awareness and survivability of combat vehicles”. - STO NATO. – Published 11 October, 2021. - 262 p. ISBN 978-92-837-2344-8.- DOI: 10.14339/STO-TR-AVT-290..

  183. Vadym Slyusar.The concept of networked distributed engine control system of future air vehicles. // Proceedings of AVT-357 STO NATO Workshop on Technologies for future distributed engine control systems (DECS). - 11 -13 May, 2021. - 12 p. DOI: 10.14339/STO-MP-AVT-357.

  184. Vadym Slyusar. The concept of synthesis of LDPC and Polar Codes on the basis of Face-Splitting product of matrices. // January 3, 2021. - 3 p. EasyChair Preprint ¹ 4852.

  185. Vadym Slyusar, Mykhailo Protsenko, Anton Chernukha, Stella Gornostal, Sergey Rudakov, Serhii Shevchenko, Oleksandr Chernikov, Nadiia Kolpachenko, Volodymyr Timofeyev, Roman Artiukh. Construction of an advanced method for recognizing monitored objects by a convolutional neural network using a discrete wavelet transform. // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Vol. 4 No. 9(112) (2021): Information and controlling system, Pp. 65 - 77. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2021.238601.

  186. Bondarenko, M.V., Slyusar, V.I.Phase Range Finding Based on Digital Spectral Analysis of N-OFDM Signals. Radioelectron.Commun.Syst. 64, 363–379 (2021). DOI: 10.3103/S0735272721070037.

  187. Vadym Slyusar. Augmented Reality Utilization in Military Operations. // MSG-192 17th Workshop on Commercial Technologies and Games for Use in NATO and Nations. 7 October 2021 (Online STO Event). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13441.38246 ( DOI: 10.14339/STO-MP-MSG-192)

  188. V. Slyusar, I. Sliusar and O. Nalapko. Chaotic antennas. // 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PICS&T2021), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2021, pp. 319 - 324. - DOI: 10.1109/PICST54195.2021.9772135.

  189. Vadym I. Slyusar. Key aspects of the tensor-matrix theory of analysis and processing of multichannel measuring signals in the classical and neural network approaches // The 10th International Symposium on Precision Mechanical Measurement (ISPMM’2021), 15 - 17 October, 2021, Qingdao, China, VTC.DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31722.64966/1. - Videorecord of the presentation.

  190. Vadym Slyusar, Mykhailo Protsenko, Anton Chernukha, Pavlo Kovalov, Pavlo Borodych, Serhii Shevchenko, Oleksandr Chernikov, Serhii Vazhynskyi, Oleg Bogatov, Kirill Khrustalev. Improvement of the object recognition model on aerophotos using deep convolutional neural network.// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021, Vol. 5, No. 2 (113). Pp. 6 – 21. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2021.243094..

  191. Slyusar V.I. Blockchain technology in future multi-domain operations.// Çá³ðíèê ìàòåð³àë³â íàóêîâî-ïðàêòè÷íî¿ êîíôåðåíö³¿ “Çàñòîñóâàííÿ Ñóõîïóòíèõ â³éñüê Çáðîéíèõ Ñèë Óêðà¿íè ó êîíôë³êòàõ ñó÷àñíîñò³”.– Ëüâ³â: Íàö³îíàëüíà àêàäåì³ÿ Ñóõîïóòíèõ â³éñüê ³ìåí³ ãåòüìàíà Ïåòðà Ñàãàéäà÷íîãî. Íàóêîâèé öåíòð Ñóõîïóòíèõ â³éñüê. – 18 ëèñòîïàäà 2021 ðîêó. - Ñ. 210 - 211.

  192. Slyusar V., Sliusar I. Micro QR code as the basis of patch antenna topologies. // IEEE 5th International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics. 29 November- 3 December, 2021. - P. 31 - 34. DOI: 10.1109/UkrMico52950.2021.9716614.

  193. Vadym Slyusar, Mykhailo Protsenko, Anton Chernukha, Vasyl Melkin, Olena Petrova, Mikhail Kravtsov, Svitlana Velma, Nataliia Kosenko, Olga Sydorenko, Maksym Sobol. Improving a neural network model for semantic segmentation of images of monitored objects in aerial photographs.// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies.- ¹ 6/2 (114). – 2021. - Pp. 86 – 95.DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2021.248390.


  194. Slyusar Vadym, Sliusar Ihor, Sheleg Sergey. Broadband antennas based on the double Moebius strip. // Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications. - Vol. 21, No. 2, June 2022.- Pp. 220 – 241. DOI: 10.1590/2179-10742022v21i2257150.

  195. Kiran Chand Ravi, Vadym Slyusar, Jayendra Kumar. SRR Loaded Wideband Antenna 5G Application.// Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP'22). – Vijayawada, India. - February 12 – 14, 2022, pp. 1 - 5. DOI: 10.1109/AISP53593.2022.9760517.

  196. Vadym Slyusar, Mykhailo Protsenko, Anton Chernukha, Vasyl Melkin, Oleh Biloborodov, Mykola Samoilenko, Olena Kravchenko, Galina Kalinichenko, Anton Rohovyi, Mykhaylo Soloshchuk. Improvement of the model for detecting objects on aerial photos and video in unmanned aerial systems.// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. - Vol. 1, No. 9(115). – 2022.- Pp.24 - 34.DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2022.252876.

  197. Slyusar V. Architectural and mathematical fundamentals of improvement neural networks for classification of images. // Artificial intelligence, 2022, ¹1.- Pp. 245 - 258. DOI: 10.15407/jai2022.01.245. Online version.

  198. V. I. Slyusar. Supplemental materials to the Ukrainian Strategy of Artificial Intelligence Development (2022-2030). To Subsection 7.1. “Artificial Intelligence and National Security”. // Anatolii I. Shevchenko, Olekasndr V. Bilokobylsky, Maksym O. Vakulenko, Anatoly S. Dovbysh, Volodymyr V. Kazimir, Mykyta S. Klymenko, Oleksii V. Kozlov, Yurii P. Kondratenko, Dmytro V. Lande, Ozar P. Mintser, Sultan K. Ramazanov, Andrii A. Roskladka, Anatoly M. Sergienko, Evgeny V. Sydenko, Vadym I. Slyusar, Oleksandr V. Sosnytskyi, Oleksandr Y. Stryzhak, Oleksandr S. Stryuk, Vasyl M. Tereshchenko, Andrii L. Fisunenko, Oleg R. Chertov. Regarding the Draft Strategy Development of Artificial Intelligence in Ukraine (2022 – 2030). // Artificial Intelligence, 2022, ¹ 1, Pp. 8 – 74. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/jai2022.01.008

  199. Bao Nguyen, Andrew Gill, Alessio Vaghi, Vadym Slyusar, Bernt Akesson, Esa Lappi, Stephan Seichter, Chris Rolfs, Peter Hilmann. Modelling a Multi-Faction Conflict in Multi-Domain Operations.// The 2022 NATO Modelling & Simulation Group (NMSG) Symposium “Emerging and Disruptive Modelling and Simulation Technologies to Transform Future Defence Capabilities” (MSG-197 RSY), Bath, the United Kingdom, 20-21 October 2022. – 11 p. DOI: 10.14339/STO-MP-MSG-197.

  200. Vadym Slyusar, Mykhailo Protsenko, Mariia Bondarchuk. Methodology for Armaments Identification Using a Neural Network.// 2022 International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology”, PIC S&T'2022. – 5 p. DOI: 10.1109/PICST57299.2022.10238568.

  201. Vadym Slyusar, Ihor Sliusar. Ribbon-ring 3D design of the metamaterial SRR element.// 2022 International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology”, PIC S&T'2022. – 6 p. DOI: 10.1109/PICST57299.2022.10238596. Video of the presentation.

  202. Vadym Slyusar, Nataliia Bihun. The method of increasing the immunity of data transmission in communication channels.// 2022 International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology”, PIC S&T'2022. – 5 p. DOI: 10.1109/PICST57299.2022.10238546.

  203. Vadym Slyusar, Ihor Sliusar, Pavlenko Anatolii. Improved PSP and U-Net architectures for forest segmentation in remote sensing pictures.// IEEE 2nd Ukrainian Microwave Week (Virtual Event) IEEE UkrMW-2022, 14 – 18 November, 2022. - V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. – 4 p.

  204. Vadym Slyusar, Nataliia Bihun. Forming the response of two-channel demodulators.// IEEE 2nd Ukrainian Microwave Week (Virtual Event) IEEE UkrMW-2022, 14 – 18 November, 2022. - V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. – 5 p.

  205. Vadym Slyusar, Ihor Sliusar, Nataliia Bihun, and Volodymyr Piliuhin. Segmentation of analogue meter readings using neural networks. // 4th International Workshop on Modern Machine Learning Technologies and Data Science MOMLET&DS2022, Leiden - Lviv, The Netherlands - Ukraine, 23 -25 Nov. 2022. – Pp. 165 - 175. Video of the presentation.

  206. Vadym Slyusar. Application of neural network technologies for underwater munitions detection. // Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, Vol. 65, No. 12 (2022). - Pp. 654–664. DOI: 10.3103/S0735272723030020.


  207. Slyusar V. Classification of text as images using neural networks pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset. // Artificial Intelligence, 2023, ¹95(1).- Pp. 37- 47. - DOI: 10.15407/jai2023.01.037.

  208. Vadym Slyusar, Ihor Sliusar. A Two-Tape Design of Metamaterial Based on a Quasi-Fractal Approach.// 8th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT 2023). 20 - 23 February, 2023, London. - Pp. 675 - 692. - DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-3236-8_54. - Presentation. - Videorecord of the presentation.

  209. Slyusar Vadym, Sliusar Ihor, Sheleg Sergey. Double Negative Metamaterial Based on Moebius Strip.// Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2023.- Pp. 121 – 139. DOI: 10.1590/2179-10742023v22i1265837.

  210. Slyusar V., Hromliuk K. An improved Dijkstra method for determining the shortest routes between communication nodes in a military communication system.// Modern Information Technologies in the Sphere of Security and Defence, ¹ 1(46), 2023. - Pp. 5 – 12.

  211. Vadym Slyusar. and all. Object detection technology (enabling technology).// Cooperative Demonstration of Technology for Augmented Reality for Improved Situational Awareness and Survivability of Combat Vehicles. NATO STO Technical Report AVT-334. 2022. – 10 p.DOI: 10.14339/STO-TR-AVT-334.

  212. A. Shevchenko, Y. Kondratenko, V. Slyusar, Y. Zhukov, G. Kondratenko, M. Vakulenko. Implementation Peculiarities of the Strategy of Artificial Intelligence Development in Ukraine. // Materials of the ÕI International Scientific Conference «Information-Management Systems and Technologies», 21th – 23th September, 2023, Odessa. – Pp. 80 – 82.

  213. V. Slyusar, N. Bihun. Method for Wireless Image Transmission Utilizing Neural Networks. // Materials of the ÕI International Scientific Conference «Information-Management Systems and Technologies», 21th – 23th September, 2023, Odessa. – Pp. 106 – 109.

  214. Yuriy Kondratenko, Galyna Kondratenko, Anatolii Shevchenko, Vadym Slyusar, Yuriy Zhukov, Maxym Vakulenko. Towards Implementing the Strategy of Artificial Intelligence Development: Ukraine Peculiarities. // Proceedings of the 11-th International Conference "Information Control Systems & Technologies" (ICST 2023). Odesa, Ukraine, September 21–23, 2023. - Pp. 106-117. - Videorecord of the presentation.

  215. Bernt Akesson; Maude Amyot-Bourgeois; Gunar Ernis; Andrew Gill; Esa Lappi; Bao Nguyen; Chris Rolfs; Stephan Seichter; Lynne Serre; VadymSlyusar; Alessio Vaghi; Alexander Zimmermann. Multi-Dimensional Data Farming: Extending Data Farming for Multi-Scale Decision Support by Integrating Novel AI Techniques.// The NMSG Symposium "Simulation: Going Beyond the Limitations of the Real World" (STO-MP-MSG-207), Monterey, CA, USA, 19- 20 October 2023.- DOI: 10.14339/STO-MP-MSG-207.

  216. Yuriy Kondratenko, Anatolii Shevchenko, Yuriy Zhukov, Mykyta Klymenko, Vadym Slyusar, Galyna Kondratenko, Oleksandr Striuk. Analysis of the Priorities and Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence Implementation.// 13th International IEEE Conference “Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies” (DESSERT'2023). Greece, Athens. October 13-15, 2023. - 8 p. DOI: 10.1109/DESSERT61349.2023.10416432.

  217. Olena Kopishynska, Yurii Utkin, Vadym Slyusar, Victor Liashenko, Ihor Sliusar. Applying Industry 4.0 Technologies to Extend the Functionality of Interactive Water Maps Bathymetric-Based Data in Environmental Monitoring. // 13th International IEEE Conference “Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies” (DESSERT'2023). – Greece, Athens. October 13-15, 2023. - 5 p. DOI: 10.1109/DESSERT61349.2023.10416532.

  218. Vadym Slyusar, Nataliia Bihun. Approach to Image Enhancement on Marine Unmanned Platforms Using Segmented Autoencoders.// X International Conference “Information Technology and Implementation (Satellite)”, 21 November, 2023. Conference Proceedings. Kyiv, 2023. – 2 p.

  219. Slyusar Vadym, Sliusar Ihor, Sheleg Sergey. Patch Antennas Based on Micro QR Codes.// Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, Vol. 66 No. 5 (2023): 6G System Technologies.- Pp. 251-262.- URI: radioelektronika.org/article/view/S073527272307004X. - DOI: 10.3103/S073527272307004X.


  220. V. Slyusar. The text segmentation by neural networks of image segmentation.// Artificial Intelligence, 2024, Vol. ¹98, No 1.- Pp. 46 - 55. - DOI: 10.15407/jai2024.01.046

  221. Slyusar Vadym. Reducing the Cognitive Burden of a Soldier with the Help of Personal AI and LLM Assistant. // The LCGDSS Human System Integration (HSI) symposium, 12 January 2024. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10264.57605/1.

  222. V.I. Slyusar, Y.P. Kondratenko, A.I. Shevchenko, T.V. Yeroshenko. Some Aspects of Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy for Mobile Technologies. // Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 2024, Vol. 20_3, 525–554. - DOI: 10.13052/jmm1550-4646.2031.

  223. Vadym Slusar, Andrii Zinchenko, Yuriy Danyk, Mykhailo Klymash, Yuliia Pyrih. Spatial Selection-Based Intelligent NOFDM Signal Processing in Wireless Communication Systems.// International Journal of Computing, Volume 23(1), 2024, pp. 33 – 42. DOI: 10.47839/ijc.23.1.3433.

  224. Maksym Vakulenko, Vadym Slyusar. Automatic smart subword segmentation for the reverse Ukrainian physical dictionary task. // Proceedings of the Modern Data Science Technologies Workshop (MoDaST-2024), Lviv, Ukraine, May 31 - June 1, 2024, pp. 59 - 73.

  225. V. Slyusar, N. Bihun. Enhancing noise immunity in OFDM communication channels with two-stage strobing and I/Q demodulation. // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, Vol. 60(4), 2024, pp. 667-682. DOI: 10.1007/s10559-024-00705-3.

  226. Bernt Akesson, Maude Amyot-Bourgeois, Sreerupa Das, Gunar Ernis, Andrew Gill, Esa Lappi, Bao Nguyen, Chris Rolfs, Stephan Seichter, Lynne Serre, Vadym Slyusar, Alessio Vaghi, Peter Volbach, Alexander Zimmermann. Operational Planning Decision Support using Multi-Dimensional Data Farming. // 2024 NATO Modelling and Simulation Group Symposium "Modelling and Simulation as enabler for Digital Transformation in NATO and Nations" (MSG-217), 24 - 25 October, 2024. - 14 p. DOI: 10.14339/STO-MSG-217.

  227. Slyusar Vadym, Sliusar Ihor, Sheleg Sergey. The matrix pixelated printed antennas.// Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Devices for 5G and 6G systems: Modern Design Aspects and Optimization, Springer, 2024.

  228. Slyusar Vadym, Sliusar Ihor, Sheleg Sergey. Modeling and Analysis of Metalens Characteristics: Simulation Results. // XXIXth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2024), September 11-13, 2024. 4 p.

  229. Slyusar Vadym, Sliusar Ihor, Sheleg Sergey. Investigation of Electromagnetic Properties of a Metamaterial Block Based on the Meabius Strip Using Ansys HFSS Simulation. // 2024 IEEE International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S&T'2024), Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 15-17 October 2024.

  230. Olena Kopishynska; Yurii Utkin; Vagym Slyusar, Oleksandr Halych; Olena Skryl. Features of Using Frameworks and Artificial Intelligence Language Models for JavaScript Code Optimization in Web Application Development.// The 14 th IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies, DESSERT’2024 11-13 October, 2024, Athens, Greece. – 7 p.

  231. Vagym Slyusar, Nataliia Bihun. Integrating Mixture of Experts into Transformers Architecture to Control UAV Swarms.// The 14 th IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies, DESSERT’2024 11-13 October, 2024, Athens, Greece. – 6 p.

  232. Slyusar Vadym, Sliusar Ihor, Sheleg Sergey. Properties of two- and four-cells metamaterial modules based on double Mobius strips.// 2024.

  233. Vadym Slyusar, Nataliia Bihun. Innovations in Marine Unmanned Vehicles: Image Quality Enhancement with Segmented Autoencoders.// 2024, 5p.

Books & Book Chapters (in Rus. )


  • 1. Slusar, V. I. The basic concepts of the theory and technics of antennas. Antenna systems of Euclid's geometry. Fractal Antennas. SMART-antennas. Digital antenna arrays (DAA). MIMO systems on base DAA. Features of construction of superlinear amplifiers.// Chapter 9.3 - 9.9 in book "Broadband wireless information transmission networks"./ V.M. Vishnevsky, A.I. Lyakhov, S.L. Portnoy, I.V. Shakhnovich. - M., Technospehra, 2005. - Pp. 498 - 569.

  • 2. Kovtunenko A.P., Bogucharsky V.V., Slusar, V. I., Phedorov P.N. The weapon on nonconventional principles of action (a condition, tendencies, a principle of action and protection against him). - Poltava: PMIK. - 2006. - 248 p.

  • 3. Ìinochkin À.I., Rudakov V.I., Slyusar V.I. Theoretical bases of military - technical researches. Vol. 2. - Êyiv. – 2012. – Pp. 7 - 98; 354 - 521.

  • 4. Kovtunenko A.P., Bogucharsky V.V., Slusar, V. I., Phedorov P.N. Unconventional weapons: State and the main trends of development. Protection from her. [Under the general editorship of Kovtunenko A.P.]. - Ê.: CMRI AME AFU, 2004. - 220 p.

  • 5. Strategy for Artificial Intelligence Development in Ukraine: monograph / A. Shevchenko, S. Baranovsky, O. Bilokobylskyi, Ye. Bodyanskiy, À. Bomba, À. Dovbysh, T. Yeroshenko, À. Zhokhin, V. Kazymyr, Ì. Klymenko, S. Kovalevskyy, Î. Kozlov, Yu. Kondratenko, À. Kupin, D. Lande, L. Malyarets, O. Mincer, N. Pankratova, V. Pysarenko, S. Ramazanov, À. Roskladka, A. Sachenko, A. Serghijenko, Ie. Sidenko, S. Simchenko, V. Slyusar, Î. Stasiuk, Î. Stryzhak, Î. Striuk, S. Subbotin, R. Tashchiiev, V. Tereshchenko, R. Khalikov, V. Chebanov, Î. Chertov, S. Choporov, V. Shchokin, V. Fetisov, V. Jakovyna. [Under the general editorship of A. Shevchenko]. Kyiv: IAIP, 2023. 305 p.

  • 6. Information processing in control and decision-making systems. Problems and solutions. Monograph. / Axak N., Bobok I., Dong C., Khlamov S., Kirchu P., Kobozeva A., Kondratenko G., Kondratenko Y., Kostiuk S., Krasnobayev V., Kushnaryov M., Kutiepov V., Kovalchuk D., Kovalchuk D.,Kozlov O.,Lysenko O.,Martynenko A.,Ponomarenko S.,Potienko O., Prots'ko I., Rudnichenko M., Rykmas R., Shibaeva N., Shevchenko A., Shpinareva I., Sitnikov T., Skakodub O., Slyusar V., Sushyn I., Tañhinina O., Tatarnykov A., Otradska T., Petrov I., Vakulenko M., Vóchuzhanin O., Vóchuzhanin V., Yanko A., Zheng Y., Zhukov Y. - Odesa, 2023. – 358 p.

  •   7. Y. Kondratenko, A. Shevchenko, V. Slyusar and all. Research Tendencies and Prospect Domains for AI Development and Implementation. River Publishers. – 2024. - 120 p.

  •   8. Anatolii I. Shevchenko, Yuriy P. Kondratenko, Vadym I. Slyusar and all. Artificial Intelligence: Achievements and Recent Developments. River Publishers. - 2025. - 250 p.

  •   9. Oleg Kopiika, Vadym Slyusar and all. Applied Innovations in Information and Communication Technology. River Publishers. - 2025. - 120 p.

  •   10. Vadym I. Slyusar, Yuriy P. Kondratenko. AI in Education System: Successful Cases and Perspectives. River Publishers. - 2025. - 120 p.
  • More Publications (in Rus. )
  • 1. Slusar, V. I. The patent law and rights of authors: problems remain //The Intellectual Property. – 1996. - ¹ 11 - 12. – P. 49.

  • 2. Slusar, V. I. What can the scanner? //Bibliotheca. – 1998. - ¹ 7. – P. 40.

  • 3. Slyusar, V. Electronic scannering - the new form of the library service. //Library News. – 1998. - ¹ 3. – Pp. 17 - 18.

  • 4. Slusar, V. I., Zablocky, M.A. Digital Antenna Array in Foreign Systems of Mobile Communication.// Zviazok. – 1999. - ¹ 1. – Pp. 25 - 27.

  • 5. Slusar, V. I. Digital Beamforming - Base Technology of Perspective Wireless Systems. //Radioamator. – 1999. - ¹ 8. – Pp. 58 - 59.

  • 6. Slusar, V. I. Ultrasonic Technology at the Millennium Threshold//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 1999. - ¹ 5. – Pp. 50 - 53.

  • 7. Slusar, V. I. Digital Beam Forming in Communication Systems: Future is Born Today//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2001. - ¹ 1. – Pp. 6 - 12.

  • 8. Slusar, V. I. Thuraya-1 – new technical solutions// Telemultimedia. – 2001. - ¹ 5(9) . – Pp. 13 – 18.

  • 9. Slusar, V. I. Micro Air Vehicles. //Konstructor. – 2001. - ¹ 8. – Pp. 58 - 59.

  • 10. Slusar, V. I. Multistandard Communications: Problems and Solutions. //Radioamator. – 2001. - ¹ 7. – Pp. 54 - 54, ¹ 8. – Pp. 50 - 51.

  • 11. Slusar, V. I. Measurement of time sampling of ADC with help of deterministic frequency.//Radioamator. – 2001. - ¹ 10. – P. 38.

  • 12. Slusar, V. I. Digital Antenna Arrays. The Future of the Radar//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2001. - ¹ 3. – Pp. 42 - 46.

  • 13. Slusar, V. I. Digital Diagram Forming Circuitary. Modul Solutions//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2002. - ¹ 1. – Pp. 46 - 52.

  • 14. Slusar, V. I. Fractal antennas. //Radioamator. – 2002. - ¹ 9. – Pp. 54 -56., Konstructor. – 2002. - ¹ 8. – Pp. 6 - 8.

  • 15. Slusar, V. I. Fabber Technologies.//Konstructor. – 2002. - ¹ 1. – Pp. 5 - 7.

  • 16. Slusar, V. I. Phased Antenna Array of Thuraya's System. //Network and Telecommunications. – 2002. - ¹ 5 (24). – Pp. 54 - 58.

  • 17. Slusar, V. I. Generators of Superpower Electromagnetic Pulses in the Information Wars.//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2002. - ¹ 5. – Pp. 60 - 67.

  • 18. Slusar, V. I. News of Non-lethal Arsenals. Non-traditional Destructive Agency.//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2003. - ¹ 2. – Pp. 60 - 66.

  • 19. Slusar, V. I. Fabber Technologies. New means for 3D Prototyping.//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2003. - ¹ 5. – Pp. 54 - 60.

  • 20. Slusar, V. I. Superhigh Speed ADCs and DACs. New Players in the Market.//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2003. - ¹ 6. – Pp. 18 - 20.

  • 21. Slusar, V. I. SMART-Antennas are Now in High Volume Production//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2004. - ¹ 2. – Pp. 62 - 65.

  • 22. Slusar, V. I. Digital Antenna Arrays Circuit Technique. On the Verge of Possibility//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2004. - ¹ 8. – Pp. 34 - 40.

  • 23. Slusar, V. I. New Industrial Computer Systems Standards//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2005. - ¹ 6. – Pp. 50- 53.

  • 24. Slusar, V. I. Multiband antennas of modern mobile phones. //Radioamator. – 2005. - ¹ 1. – Pp. 50 -51.

  • 25. Slusar, V. I. MIMO Systems. Construction and Signal Processing Principles//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2005. - ¹ 8. – Pp. 52 - 58.

  • 26. Slusar, V. I. 60 Years of Electrically Small Antennas Theory. Some Conclusions//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2006. - ¹ 7. – Pp. 10 - 19. English version of this text.

  • 27. Slusar, V. I. Multirange Antennas for Mobile Telecommunications//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2006. - ¹ 8. – Pp. 90 - 96.

  • 28. Slusar, V. I. PIFA for Mobile Communication Systems. Construction Variety//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2007. - ¹ 1. – Pp. 64 - 74.

  • 29. Slusar, V. I. Multicore Architecture: Problem Aspects. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2007. - ¹ 1. – Pp. 92 - 97.

  • 30. Slusar, V. I. Dielectric Resonant Antennas. Small Dimensions, Big Potential.//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2007. - ¹ 2. - Pp. 28 - 37.

  • 31. Slusar, V. I. Dielectric Resonant Antennas. Small Dimensions, Big Potential (Continuing).//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2007. - ¹ 4. - Pp. 89 - 95.

  • 32. Slusar, V. I. Fractal Antennas. A Fundamentally New Type of "Broken" Antennas.//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2007. - ¹ 5. - Pp.78 - 83.

  • 33. Slusar, V. I. Fractal Antennas. A Fundamentally New Type of "Broken" Antennas. Part 2.//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2007. - ¹ 6.- Pp. 82 - 89.

  • 34.Slusar, V. I. NATO Military Communication Systems. Modern Technology Problems.//Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2008. - ¹ 4.- Pp. 66 - 71.

  • 35.Slusar, V. I. An Digital Antennas Arrays on Mobile Satellite Communications. // Last mile (The Addition of Journal "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business"). – 2008. - ¹ 4. - Pp. 10 - 15.

  • 36.Slusar, V. I. An Digital Antennas Arrays on Mobile Satellite Communications (Continue). // Last mile (The Addition of Journal "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business"). – 2008. - ¹ 5. - Pp. 16 - 20.

  • 37.Slusar, V. I. Antenna Synthesis Based on the Genetic Algorithm. // Last mile (The Addition of Journal "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business"). – 2008. - ¹ 6. - Ñ. 16 - 23.

  • 38.Slusar, V. I. Antenna Synthesis Based on the Genetic Algorithm (Continue). // Last mile (The Addition of Journal "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business"). – 2009. - ¹ 1. - Ñ. 22 - 25.

  • 39. Slusar V.I. Digital Antenna arrays. Solving the GPS Problems. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2009. - ¹ 1. - Pp. 74 - 78.

  • 40. Slusar V.I. Nanoantennas: Approaches and Prospects. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2009. - ¹ 2. - Pp. 58 - 65.

  • 41. Slusar V.I. Electronics Antiterrorism Effort. Harbor Protection. Part 1. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2009. - ¹ 5. - Pp. 68 - 73.

  • 42. Slusar V.I. Electronics Antiterrorism Effort. Harbor Protection. Part 2. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2009. - ¹ 6. - Pp. 90 - 95.

  • 43. Slusar V.I. Metamaterials for Antennas Technology. History and Basic Principles. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2009. - ¹ 7. - Pp. 70 - 79.

  • 44. Slusar V.I. Methamaterials for Antennas Constructions. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2009. - ¹ 8. - Pp. 66 - 70.

  • 45. Slusar V.I. PC/104 PCI Express Format. New Standards Potential. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2010. - ¹ 1. - Pp. 68 - 77.

  • 46. Slusar V.I. Unmanned Aircraft Data Transmission: NATO Standards. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2010. - ¹ 3. - Pp. 80 - 86.

  • 47. Slusar V.I. Wireless Links with UAV. Realization Examples. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2010. - ¹ 5. - Pp. 56 - 60.

  • 48. Slusar, V. I. Methamaterials for Antennas Constructions: Basic Principles and Results. // Last mile (The Addition of Journal "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business"). – 2010. - ¹ 3 - 4. - Pp. 44 - 60.

  • 49. Slusar, V. I. Modern Embedded Computer Systems for Severe Operational Conditions. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2010. - ¹ 6. - Pp. 86 - 92.

  • 50. V.Slyusar, A.Trotsko. PCI Express Implementaction in CompactPCI – Attempt N2. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2010. - ¹ 7. - Pp. 72 - 81.

  • 51. D.Slusar, V.Slusar. Wireless Networks on Chips. Challenging Ideas and Realization Methods. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2011. - ¹ 6. - Pp. 74 - 83.

  • 52. V.Slyusar. The Antenna: A Hystory of Radio Engineering’s Term. //Last mile (The Addition of Journal "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business"). – 2011. - ¹ 6 - Pp. 52 - 64.

  • 53. V.Slyusar. The non-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (N-OFDM) signals.Part 1. //Communication Technologies & Equipment Magazine. – 2013. - ¹ 5 - Pp. 61 - 65.

  • 54. V.Slyusar. The non-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (N-OFDM) signals.Part 2. //Communication Technologies & Equipment Magazine. – 2013. - ¹ 6 - Pp. 60 - 65.

  • 55. V. Slyusar. Perspective technologies of the antenna arrays for mobile satellite communication terminals. //Communication Technologies & Equipment Magazine. – 2014. - ¹ 4.- Pp. 64 - 68.

  • 56. V. Slyusar. Modern trends of radio relay communication. //Communication Technologies & Equipment Magazine. – 2014. - ¹ 4.- Pp. 32 - 36.

  • 57. P. Serduk, V. Slusar. Means of Communications with Terrestrial Robotic Systems: State-of-Art and Future Directions. //Electronics: Science, Technology, Business. – 2014. - ¹ 7 (139). - Pp. 66 - 79.

  • 58. V.Slusar. 115 Years of Radio-Relay Communication Systems. //Last mile (The Addition of Journal "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business"). – 2015. - ¹ 3 - Pp. 108 - 111.

  • 59. V.Slyusar. Development of circuitry of digital antenna arrays: some results. Part 1. //Last mile (The Addition of Journal "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business"). – 2018. - ¹ 1 - Pp. 72 - 77.

  • 60. V.Slyusar. Development of circuitry of digital antenna arrays: some results. Part 2. //Last mile (The Addition of Journal "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business"). – 2018. - ¹ 2 - Pp. 76 - 80.

  • 61. V.Slusar. Methods of transfering images of ultra-high definition.//Last mile (The Addition of Journal "Electronics: Science, Technology, Business"). – 2019. - ¹ 2 - Pp. 46 - 61.


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